For the first time ?? Course of local networks facilitators of Social Economy ?? has its own edition of the South Center. Organized by RESSUD (Network of Social Economy of the South), the course is promoted and supported by the RES table. The course consists of a path of three modules primarily aimed at those in the territories are engaged in the construction of the Solidarity Economy Networks. They will be used participatory methods and facilitation instruments to ensure the active participation of / the registered / IEA build formative relationship contexts based on a relationship of sharing of experiences and skills. The course objective is to bring out, starting with the concrete practices, the figure of a network facilitator can read the territory and its needs, to grasp its potenzialitŕ, to recognize the complexities, to stimulate and facilitate the participation of actors involved in the development of new processes. Course fees ?? Up to 3 modules: ?? 210 ?? Up to 1 module: ?? 80 ?? For subscribers to Table Network of Social Economy (RES), the registration fee for the three modules is: ?? 195 for food and lodging costs The course is residential. The costs include two nights accommodation and meals from dinner on Friday to Sunday morning breakfast